Press Release

With the rapid development of the globalization of the encryption industry, countries and regions have higher and higher requirements for practitioners. Technology drives industry innovation. International policies, and the introduction and supervision of national laws and regulations drive the birth of a new generation of products. TDEX is one of them. Because the TECO ecosystem…

Press Release

Following the launch of its mobile app in July  2021, BitDATA Exchange (BitEx) Singapore, a homegrown regulated digital assets exchange, continues to unfold milestones with the expansion of business operations in Singapore. Located at the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District, BitEx has set up its first Over The Counter (OTC) service desk at GB…

Press Release

On the afternoon of September 18, the Organizing Committee of China International SME Fair held a press conference, releasing the achievements of the 17th China International SME Fair and the 1st SME International Cooperation Summit and answering reporters’ questions. According to Mrs. Wu Hong, deputy director-general of Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong…